

The insurance industry is juggling the immediate challenges of volatile asset values and the slowdown in the economy with the medium term challenges of regulatory and accounting changes. Strong, effective management is crucial to maintaining profitability in the short term. Investment in timely planning for Solvency II and IFRS 4 is critical for the longer term.

Risk management and governance are the keys to success both in the current environment and in the future. Regulators are looking to insurance firms to demonstrate how they are identifying and managing risk and may force firms to take action if they are assessed as weak in this area.

Insurance intermediaries continue to work to find the best insurance solutions for their customers and clients while meeting numerous regulatory challenges such as controlling client money and Treating Customers Fairly.

We have a dedicated team of experts who understand the industry issues, with the experience to support clients to meet today’s challenges and achieve success.

We provide a full service capability to the sector, with external audit, internal audit, regulatory, risk management and governance, tax and accounting expertise.


Mushfig Muktharov

Senior, Tax and Accounting
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