Mushfig Muktharov
BDO offers a wide range of tax consultancy services to ensure that every aspect of your tax position is carefully managed. BDO legal professionals work closely with tax specialists to provide our clients with practical advice by combining broad commercial experience and the highest level of technical expertise on tax planning.
We are happy to offer international tax consultancy services if your needs are global. Our services focus on developing a comprehensive tax strategy which includes, inter alia, an overall review of relevant holding structures for such corporations and/or individuals, considering domestic and international tax laws in order to optimise the overall tax burden.
BDO also provides relocation tax consulting services to local resident individuals, as well as to foreign residents employed within the country.
The services offered include, but are not limited to:
• Review of holding structures of companies and individuals for the purpose of optimising the tax planning with respect to international operations
• Review of existing holding structures for the purpose of minimising the tax burden to foreign entities operating in Azerbaijan, based on utilising possible tax benefits available under Azerbaijan's domestic legislation
• Assistance to Azerbaijani residents in filing tax returns domestically and overseas
• Ongoing advice and guidance regarding international holding structures
• Representation services with the relevant tax authorities in Azerbaijan and overseas
• Assistance in obtaining pre-rulings agreements from tax authorities in Azerbaijan and overseas.
• Relocation advisory services to Azerbaijani resident individuals on planned employment overseas, including the preparation of tax overviews examining the tax residency status of these individuals and the discontinuance date of their Azerbaijani residence
• Assistance with any tax audits performed by Azerbaijani tax authorities in your organisation.
These services are provided with the full assistance of the international BDO network in general, and various strategic member firms in particular.
Mushfig Muktharov